2024 Increase Your Annuity & Life Sales in 30 Days

Tailored for financial professionals seeking a systematic and proven approach to success, "Increase Your Annuity & Life Sales In 30 Days" is the ultimate resource for financial professionals. Embark on a journey of professional refinement and also discover the art of public speaking on pages 44 and especially on pages 92-107.

Section #1: Unveils 90 Proven Baby Steps

Discover in 42 pages what took our President, Bill Harris, decades to enhance and refine such as how to: present & listen, address different objections, close at the best time & which closes work best, really use the phone, help people find the dollars they need for annuities and life insurance, and more.

Section #2: Gives You 10 Bigger Steps To Prospecting Success

This entire section covers: how to be more convincing, 4 powerful words to add to our sales vocabulary, the hidden power of your insurance license, the 4 bases you should touch everyday in order to really succeed, how a “good phone script” can be better than a “great phone script”, the art of brushing off objections early on before you and they know  what is in their best interests,  and how to continue a relationship even after they say, “No!” to you.  In other words presenting and prospecting in the future can get easier. A lot easier!

Reach the next level to success at the point of sale and over the phone by describing  annuities & life insurance far differently than the typical financial professional and advisor.

Begin adding the correct proven power phrases & special sentences to your vocabulary.

Unveil new ways to use your insurance license in 2024.

Section #3: A Road Map to Excellence

This section might have more of an impact on how many people you meet, than any other section in your new book. Said differently, you can quickly discover 10 different ways to see and help more people from: your old file cabinet or new computer, parents & adult children of your clients, the art of getting referrals, the age group that almost everyone is ignoring, 3 different refreshing ways to use ‘Birthday Marketing”, Consumer Web Conferences and great things that Bill Harris finally figured out about Consumer Seminars.

Section #4: Best People To Call For Every Week Of The Year

Have you ever said that you had no one to call or that the topics you discussed over the phone seemed boring, too good to be true, or too risky?

The Solution!: Section 4 gives you the right people to call and what to say!

Surprise Section

And just when you think you have discovered everything you need to know, we surprise you with 7 final pages:

  • Under Promise. Over Deliver. Part 1, Prospecting in months 2-12,
  • Under Promise. Over Deliver. Part 2
  • Under Promise. Over Deliver. Part 3 - Possibly, material that may SHAPE how you think and feel about your profession forever!

Order Your Copy

Our book Increase Your Annuity & Life Sales in 30 Days” is more than a guide. It can be a career-changer, a confidence-booster, and a prospect-generator for financial professionals.

On the other hand, this book can be a life-changer for so many consumers who deserve a better life down the road and who are willing  follow seasoned advice that W.V.H., Inc. offers to the financial professional.

Request a signed copy or a large order from W.V.H. Inc. now by clicking here.
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